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리눅스 데스크탑 - Disabling Snaps in Ubuntu 20.04, 우분투 snap 끄기, 삭제
이 름 : 바다아이   |   조회수 : 8516         짧은 주소 : https://www.bada-ie.com/su/?641602496820
아 증말.. 우분투 고집이 원... 예전 unity 로 고집 피우다 포기하고서는 또 고집을 피웁니다.
이번에는 패키지 관리를 snap 으로 하려고 하네요... 이것도 아마 버티다 포기하지 않을까 합니다.
여러가지 정황상 snap 의 성능이나 등등 별로인 걸로 나타났는데 왜 자꾸만 버티는지...

요즘 우분투가 자꾸만 독자적인 노선을 걸으려는 성향을 보이네요..
폐쇄적으로 변하려고 하는데 영... 어째.... 아치리눅스나 데비안으로 이사 하셔야 할 듯 합니다.
아래는 20.04 에서 snap 기능을 제거하는 법입니다.
근데 우분투가 계속 이 방향으로 간다면 배포판 번지수를 옮기는 수 밖에 없네요...

snap 으로 설치한 패키지 snap 으로 싹다 지우세요...
df -h  로 파티션 확인해 보시면 snap 으로 잡힌 파티션들 보이실 겁니다.
다 mount  해제 하시고 나중에 apt 로 snap 패키지를 완전히 지우시면 되겠습니다.
재부팅 후 df -h 해서 파티션에 snap 관련 남아있으면 다시 하나하나 삭제해 주세요...



Don't get me wrong, snaps are great in theory - If you aren't familiar, a snap package is like a sandboxed application that is packaged in such a way that:

  • You can be sure you're running exactly what the app developer intended, as all dependencies and assets are bundled into the snap application package
  • The snap application generally doesn't own your entire system, it runs in an application sandbox of sorts
  • Snaps are cross-platform and distributed independently from apt/deb packages, and as such are usually more up to date than those found in apt

Now this all sounds great, and it is in some ways (especially for app developers), but it comes at a cost: and that is generally performance and annoyances with application theming, access to user folders, and the like. I personally find that if I want to run a sandboxed application I lean more toward Flatpak as it is more performant and seems a bit more mature than Canonical's snap system.

In any event, I usually disable snaps entirely on a fresh install of Ubuntu, and I'll show you how to do that in the new Ubuntu 20.04 release.

1. Remove existing Snaps

On a fresh Ubuntu install, a few snaps come preinstalled. You can see the list of them using snap list:

kevin@olubuntu:~$ snap list
Name               Version           Rev   Tracking         Publisher   Notes
core               16-2.44.1         8935  latest/stable    canonical✓  core
core18             20200311          1705  latest/stable    canonical✓  base
gnome-3-34-1804    0+git.2c86692     24    latest/stable/…  canonical✓  -
gtk-common-themes  0.1-30-gd41a42a   1502  latest/stable/…  canonical✓  -
snap-store         20200415.e028804  394   latest/stable/…  canonical✓  -

To remove these, you will need them using sudo snap remove <package>.

Run the following command to remove them all:

sudo snap remove snap-store
sudo snap remove gtk-common-themes
sudo snap remove gnome-3-34-1804
sudo snap remove core18

You might be wondering why I didn't remove the core snap...well it turns out you can't remove that one but it will get removed anyway in the next steps.

2. Unmount the snap core service

You'll need to replace the xxxx with the actual ID inside the core directory on your system, which you can find out by running df

sudo umount /snap/core/xxxx

3. Remove and purge the snapd package

Next, to remove the snapd package and all of its related services, run:

sudo apt purge snapd

4. Remove any lingering snap directories

Finally, you can remove the remaining snap directories on the system. You may not have any of these directories after step 3, and that's okay. I didn't have these directories on a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 install once snapd was removed, but your mileage may vary.

rm -rf ~/snap
sudo rm -rf /snap
sudo rm -rf /var/snap
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/snapd

Enjoy a snap-free Ubuntu

It's that simple, now your Ubuntu 20.04 system is free of Snaps! 🙂


출처 : https://www.kevin-custer.com/blog/disabling-snaps-in-ubuntu-20-04/
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