golang - Go Template Examples, 템플릿 예제
이 름 : 바다아이
조회수 : 11049
짧은 주소 : https://www.bada-ie.com/su/?191591801684
The Go language's template package has introduced a set of new APIs in r60. (To keep using the old template package, you'll need to change import "template" to import "old/template" .) This post includes a collection of code snippets to illustrate how to use the new template package.
Parse a template string
t, _ := template.New("template_name" ).Parse("Go" )
t.Execute(os.Stdout, nil)
// output: Go
Parse a template file
t, _ := template.New("template_name" ).ParseFile("external.file" )
t.Execute(os.Stdout, nil)
// output: content of external.file
Print to a string buffer
t, _ := template.New("template_name" ).Parse("Go" )
buf := new (bytes.Buffer)
t.Execute(buf, nil)
// buf.String() == "Go"
Substitute a single parameter
t, _ := template.New("template_name" ).Parse("<h1>{{.}}</h1>" )
t.Execute(os.Stdout, "Joseki" )
// output: <h1>Joseki</h1>
Substitute multiple parameters in a struct
type dict struct {
// struct fields must be public
Title string
Release int
params := &dict{Title: "Go" , Release: 60 }
t, _ := template.New("template_name" ).Parse(
"<h1>{{.Title}}</h1>r{{.Release}}" )
t.Execute(os.Stdout, params)
// output: <h1>Go</h1>r60
Substitute multiple parameters in a map
t, _ := template.New("template_name" ).Parse(
"<h1>{{.title}}</h1>r{{.release}}" )
// field names don't have to be capitalized
params := map [string ]interface {}{"title" : "Go" , "release" : 60 }
t.Execute(os.Stdout, params)
// output: <h1>Go</h1>r60
Conditionally fill in parameters
t, _ := template.New("template_name" ).Parse(
"{{if .white}}Gote{{else}}Sente{{end}}{{if .excl}}!{{end}}" )
t.Execute(os.Stdout, map [string ]bool{"excl" : true})
// output: Sente!
Iteratively fill in parameters
t, _ := template.New("template_name" ).Parse(
"{{range .}}{{.}}!{{else}}Tengen{{end}}" )
t.Execute(os.Stdout, [...]string {"Hoshi" , "Komoku" , "Sansan" })
// output: Hoshi!Komoku!Sansan!
Escape parameters
t, _ := template.New("html" ).Parse(
"<a href='/?q={{.query | urlquery}}'>q={{.text | html}}</a>" )
t.Execute(os.Stdout, map [string ]string {"text" : "&" , "query" : "&" })
// output: <a href='/?q=%26'>q=&</a>
Nest templates (deprecated API )
ts := new (template.Set)
tparent, _ := template.New("parent" ).Parse(
"<i>{{template \"child\" .}}</i>" )
tchild, _ := template.New("child" ).Parse(
"<b>{{.lang}}</b>" )
ts.Add(tparent, tchild)
ts.Execute(os.Stdout, "parent" , map [string ]string {"lang" : "Go" })
// output: <i><b>Go</b></i>
Parse a template set (deprecated API )
ts := new (template.Set)
ts.Parse(`{{define "parent"}}<i>{{template "child" .}}</i>{{end}}
{{define "child"}}<b>{{.lang}}</b>{{end}}` )
ts.Execute(os.Stdout, "parent" , map [string ]string {"lang" : "Go" })
// output: <i><b>Go</b></i>
Nested templates
t, _ := template.New ("parent" ).Parse (`<i>{{template "child" .}}</i>` )
t.New ("child" ).Parse (`<b>{{.lang}}</b>` )
t.ExecuteTemplate (os.Stdout , "parent" , map[string]string{"lang" : "Go" })
// output: <i><b>Go</b></i>
Defined templates
t, _ := template.New ("" ).Parse (
`{{define "golang"}}golang{{end}} {{define "go"}}Go{{end}}` )
t.ExecuteTemplate (os.Stdout , "go" , nil)
// output: Go
출처 : http://blog.zmxv.com/2011/09/go-template-examples.html