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조회수 : 9017
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일반 sort 정렬// Go's `sort` package implements sorting for builtins// and user-defined types. We'll look at sorting for// builtins first.package main
import"fmt"import"sort"funcmain() {
// Sort methods are specific to the builtin type;// here's an example for strings. Note that sorting is// in-place, so it changes the given slice and doesn't// return a new one.
strs := []string{"c", "a", "b"}
fmt.Println("Strings:", strs)
// An example of sorting `int`s.
ints := []int{7, 2, 4}
fmt.Println("Ints: ", ints)
// We can also use `sort` to check if a slice is// already in sorted order.
s := sort.IntsAreSorted(ints)
fmt.Println("Sorted: ", s)
출처 : https://gobyexample.com/sortingmap sort 정렬
Source: (example.go)
package main
import (
funcmain() {
colors := map[string]int{
// get the list of keys and sort them
keys := []string{}
for key := range colors {
keys = append(keys, key)
for _, val := range keys {
fmt.Println(val, colors[val])
$ go run example.gomap[red:5 yellow:2 blue:3]
blue 3
red 5
yellow 2
출처 : http://ispycode.com/GO/Sorting/Sort-map-by-key
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